Solr Cloud users who manage their systems through PowerShell scripts quickly discover that PowerShell’s Invoke-RestMethod is not friendly to the usual method of passing the Basic Auth username and password to Solr.
For instance, the following simple query works from cURL and from a browser address window by inserting the Basic Auth credentials directly into the query URL:
https://user:password@<Solr Endpoint><Collection>/select?q=:&wt=json
but the same URL produces a Error 401: Unauthorized Request error in PowerShell.
The following PowerShell snippet executes a simple /select query against a Solr deployment that has been secured with Solr Basic Auth by wrapping the username and password in a PSCredential object:
$SOLR = ""
$COLL = "xxxxx" #Name of collection to search
$USER = "xxxxx" #Solr Basic Auth username
$PASS = "xxxxx" #Solr Basic Auth password
$SECPASS = ConvertTo-SecureString $PASS -AsPlainText -Force
$CRED = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($USER, $SECPASS)
$queryresults = Invoke-RestMethod -cred $CRED -uri "${SOLR}${COLL}/select?q=*:*&wt=json"
For more information, see Adding Credential Support to PowerShell Functions.
Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.