SearchStax Cloud Help Center

The SearchStax Help Center Frequently Asked Questions page includes FAQs about SearchStax Cloud, our hosted Apache Solr Cloud service.

Can I move a Deployment to Another Account?

On rare occasions, a client wants to move a live deployment to a new account. This can be done, but it is not a self-service activity. SearchStax engineers must manually perform a critical step for you.

This procedure takes advantage of the SearchStax Cloud backup feature.

Best Practice: A/B Path for Moving a Deployment to Another Account

To move a deployment to a different account, the best practice is to:

  1. Perform a manual backup of your existing system (deployment A).
  2. Create a new account under the administration of a new owner.
  3. In the new account, create a new deployment (deployment B) using the desired plan. You must use the same cloud provider and version of Solr as before.
  4. Ask the SearchStax Support Desk to move the backup file from the old account to the new one.
  5. Restore the backup into deployment B.
  6. Validate the behavior of deployment B.
  7. Switch over from A to B.
  8. Delete deployment A.
The backup feature automatically adjusts for changes in the number of cluster nodes.

You will be billed for the number of days that each deployment was active during the month. Running two deployments side-by-side during the transition period results in a small increase in your monthly bill.

Potential loss of some incoming data

It will be a gap in the incoming data from the beginning of the backup to the moment that deployment B becomes active. This needs to be part of your planning.


Do not hesitate to contact the SearchStax Support Desk.

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